Registration and Sign In Page

Information you provide is collected in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation. It will be used to allocate school places, and may be shared with other local authorities with whom the child may become associated.

Your guide to Data Protection

Your guide to Privacy Notice

Your guide to submitting an application, change of preferences and password resets

Please be advised that applications for the following round(s) are now OPEN:

  • Start Reception in September 2024 (Late 4 -July)
  • Move from Infant to Junior school only in September 2024 (Late 1 16/01/24-31/07/2024)
  • Start Year 10 in September 2024 (specialist academies) (Late Round 2 - March) 01/03/2024-31/07/2024
  • Start Year 7 in September 2024 (Late Round 5 - July)

Please be advised that applications for the following round(s) are now CLOSED:

  • Start Reception in September 2024 (Late 4 -June)
  • Start Year 7 in September 2024 (Late Round 5 - June)

New Online Applicants

If you are applying online for the first time, please click the Register button below.

We will send you a confirmation email '' please add this email address to your 'safe' contacts before you register with this website to ensure you receive all correspondence. Please note this email address is not monitored. To contact School Admissions email: or phone 0121 303 1888.

Existing Online Applicants

If you have already registered, please enter your details and click the Sign In in button.

Once logged in, please use the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of pages to navigate between them. If you use the back button (and get a 'This page has expired' message), then press refresh (F5) to recover your session.